Deep Foam Injection
Have a building or other structure that is sinking into the ground due to poor soil. With our professional deep foam injection services, we can inject the same foam we use to support airport runways and highways stabilizing the ground under the structure and often times lifting the structure back where it was supposed to be.
Deep Foam Injection is a process in which we use special sensors and proprietary equipment to effectively stop a sinking structure in its tracks and stabilize the soil for years to come saving you thousands over the cost of piering techniques.
Brian Cvetezar, Exec VP Product Development, and inventor of the new DEEP Foamjection System summarized the benefits. “DEEP Foamjection, like polyurethane concrete lifting, remains the most efficient, fastest and least obtrusive process to solve structural and settlement problems caused by weak/poor subgrade soil issues. Repairs are made in hours and days vs weeks and months at a fraction of the traditional costs.”
Deep Foam Injection is
• An upgrade to sub-surface concrete lifting
• Repair unstable soils
• Installing a stronger foundation to support slabs and structures that settled
• Foam follows the path of least resistance and will fill weak areas
• Fills fissures and ground voids
• Fills voids holding water & displaces collected water
• Increase the load-bearing capacity of subgrade
• Permanent repair, foam never changes shape or absorbs groundwater
• Foam soaks into the weak soils and then expands, binding the soil and making it solid
• Does not leach chemicals into the ground
If your building is sinking contact us for a free estimate to see what our Deep Foam Injection can do for you. Don't go to the extreme of piering if it's not 100% necessary.